All of this dreadful winter weather, including the threat of 6 to 12 inches of snow today, has my mind on overdrive. Yet the funny thing is that I can't stay focused on any one thing for more than 15 minutes at a time. Is there such a thing as Winter-induced A.D.D.? I find myself chasing my proverbial tail when I am stuck inside the house as I am today. I don't think I can watch another episode of Martha Stewart doing yet another Valentines Day craft, post another Facebook comment, or get upset when the contestant doesn't do well on "Deal or No Deal". I have STACKS of books to read but I can't get into the mood to devote the time to reading. What is wrong with me? I have been cooking like a madwoman too! Am I turning into a housefrau in my retirement? Argghhhh! I hope not! What next - HOUSE DRESSES like my grandma used to wear?? Noooooooooooo!!!!!!
Being home more than I've been in 27 plus years I have seen way toooooo many commercials. One in particular drew the ire out of my Mediterranean blood. It is the one advertising foreclosed homes. It is a peppy, excitable commercial showing some sort of auction and suggesting that the bad economy can be good for YOU. All I think about when I see this is the poor family whose home has been foreclosed, and listening to a way-too-excited announcer tell people about the great deals they can get because of someone's misfortune. Shame on them. And, for those of you in the Chicago area, do any of you (besides me) want to find Peter Francis Geraci and punch him out? If he were the last lawyer/debt counselor on the planet he would not get my business. I will look for someone who doesn't have a girl's name for a middle name! Shark!
How about the furniture store that has people dancing around? Do they realize how stupid they look? These people are getting paid to look stupid. Maybe that should be my new gig - dancing on a Value City Furniture commercial.
Winter is making me crabby...
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