I am sure everyone knows we had an earthquake early this morning, 4 a.m. to be exact. This is usually the time my internal clock wakes me up day after day. This morning the quake roused my husband and I at the same time. We both sat up in our bed and just listened. I know that Artie was trying to get his sleepy wits about him while I was sure someone's house had blown up from a gas leak. Then there was a knock at our bedroom door. For a moment I went into a panic because in my sleepy stupor I had forgotten that our son lives with us again. I knew it wasn't robbers, because how many robbers knock? Danny was convinced it was an earthquake, while his father laid back down telling us it was a plow! I jumped up and Danny and I checked out the house and then looked out the front windows to see if any of our neighbors' homes had blown up. Since the noise stopped I felt relatively safe and went back to bed. I was tired enough not to worry about what I didn't know.
I got up around 6:00 and turned on the news. When the newscaster said we had experienced an earthquake and that its epicenter was literally down the road from our house I got scared! Who would have thought we'd have an earthquake after all? Suddenly memories of another quake came flashing back to me. It was my senior year at NIU when my bedroom started shaking, objects on dressers danced and fell off. My room mate and I both jumped into each other's arms and started screaming. Now, being the educated young people we were, what did WE think it was? GHOSTS! We were convinced our apartment was being haunted by some mean spirit or poltergeist (even if we didn't really know what one of those was). Our other two room mates came into our room and the four of us stayed up the rest of the night, unaware that it was an earthquake. Since DeKalb is not that far from today's quake's epicenter, it only made sense that the memory of that night came back to me. I wondered if my room mates thought about it too...
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