For some odd reason, today I was thinking about how different it is to communicate with one another these days. I remember, with extreme fondness, the days in Chicago when my friends and I would stand outside one another's house and shout, "Yoh Oh, _____________ (person's name)! Can you come out and play?" We would do this as many times as it took before someone would either come to the door or we'd give up and try to call someone else out. We were relentless in our attempt to call that friend out to play - each time getting just a bit louder - until we were screaming at the top of our voices.
Fast forward some 50 years to the way kids communicate with one another today. TEXTING! I have generally embraced most new technology advancements, but this is one I cannot understand. Texting is by far the dumbest invention to date. This technological phenomenon is breeding a generation of people who cannot communicate (TALK) to one another face to face. They seem to hide behind the little keyboard on their cell phones. People make dates, break up, get mean, laugh... with a teenie tiny keyboard rather than a voice. Not only is is dumb, but it can also be dangerous - especially when done behind the wheel of a car. I don't think anyone has been immune from seeing some dufus texting while driving. Kids, young adults, and even some "regular" adults have simply given up on using their voices to speak to someone. I don't get it. I admit I do most of my communication via email and through this blog, but I do still enjoy hearing someone's voice on the other end of my phone line. I also delight in hearing the voice on the other end of the line actually happy to hear MY voice too.
OMG! I sound like my mother. I think this retired thing has gotten to me.
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