I love the first morning of Daylight Savings time, especially if the sun is shining. Will I like it when it's dark at 5, not so much. After the Trick or Treaters rang our doorbell for the last time it was nice to grab that extra hour of sleep, especially after listening to Guinness bark incessantly EACH time the doorbell rang and rushing to grab him before he bolted out the door to great Transformers, princesses, zombies, Draculas and more. We even resorted to holding him in our arms while the other person fed the kids their sugar supply for the day. At one point we had him on his leash, but because he would bolt when the bell rang we were afraid he would hang himself. This canine madness makes Artie and I dread Halloween. I slept until 7:30 and feel great, even though the clock said it was only 6:30. Even that is late for me.
It is a beautiful, crisp (OK, freezing) autumn morning and I am looking forward to watching the Bears game and hoping for a win. Nothing could be any worse than last Sunday's debacle - I hope! Today has been designated "Walter Payton Day" at Soldier Field in honor of the tenth anniversary of Walter's death. Because Walter Payton remains my football hero to this day, I will don my #34 jersey and recall the days when Chicago football was a dream come true. Flashback 1985-86, when it was actually FUN to be a Bears fan! I can vividly recall the day Walter Payton died. I was sitting in the family room of our Janesville house after school when the news broke. I am not ashamed to say that I broke into tears that continued until Artie came home. "Sweetness" may not have been a model husband and father, but on that football field he was poetry in motion. His sinister fun personality also made me like him even more. I know I miss Walter, and hope the city of Chicago can find it in their corrupt hearts to place a statue of him outside OR inside Soldier Field, where it belongs - not in some random park -somewhere for birds to poop on and graffiti artists and gangbangers to practice their craft upon.
Did anyone else read the Herald last Monday about a church that actually prays for the Bears to win? While I admire the idea to call upon higher powers to save this city yet another sports embarrassment, I don't think it's a question of divine intervention - more like some attitude adjustment for the prima donna players who make way tooooo much money, and the coaching staff that needs to be addressed. Perhaps it's time for Lovie Smith and his cronies to move on to another city. Unlike Popeye, he's not "strong to the finish" - maybe he NEEDS to eat some spinach! It is sad to watch him get out-coached most Sundays. Don't even get me started on Ron Turner! He should have been gone YEARS ago. Can you say "run up the middle"? He sure can!
At any rate, BEAR DOWN, CHICAGO BEARS! Embarrass the "Dog Pound" and redeem yourselves for another week...
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