I guess it's been eons since I've last blogged. I am not sure why I even set out to do it today. I think it's because my heart is so full with maximum joy for the weather we have been blessed with for the past week, and when my heart is full I feel the need to write... or create something. I did that last week when I completed two glass dome projects and a tulip wreath for the front door. Could it be because we've had eighty degree days and glorious sunshine? You bet!
Speaking of this awesome warm weather, Artie and I succumbed to the heat yesterday and turned on our AC. Seriously? Air conditioning in March? Yes. It was very warm in our house and we just decided to suck it up and crank up the machine that has sat idle since about September of last year. It has been worth it. My allergies are so much happier, and thus, so am I. The premature budding of all the flora and fauna out my doors is already wreaking havoc on my poor nose and eyes. This isn't supposed to happen until late April or early May. No...I am not complaining. I realize we could be shoveling snow or wearing sweaters, scarves and mittens instead.
While walking into my closet to find something more suited for the summer-like weather we've been having, I glanced over the rack and realized that I hadn't even worn some of the new cold weather clothing I bought! I smiled because I realized that they will still be in perfect shape for next year's cold wintery days.
I will not lie when I say that this warm weather has given me reason to pause a bit too. Because I've been a native Chicagoan/Suburbanite my whole life (except for that 15 month stint in Janesville, WI some 12 1/2 years ago), my pessimistic side is conjured up. I keep waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. TV weather forecasters are conflicted too. Some of them say we are done for the season - one even said that plants may be confused, but migratory birds are not, and they have arrived. Another lamented that we are "not out of the woods yet". It is, after all, Chicagoland and we natives know that if you don't like the weather here, wait five minutes and it will change. This waiting and wondering when it will is a bit unnerving. Do I switch out my closet from winter to summer or wait until Mothers Day - you know, like we have to do in order to plant around these parts? I saw some foolish people buying rose bushes yesterday. I chuckled to myself and thought they must be new to these parts.
I want more of this next winter...please, La Nina? This is the first winter I can remember in which I didn't have cabin fever once. I didn't miss having to shovel paths in the grass for Guinness to do his "business". I didn't miss having chattering teeth while the car warmed up. I didn't miss my runny nose turning to icicles in five minutes of being outside. I didn't miss having to take long soaks to get the chill out of my body. In other words, I didn't miss a typical Chicago winter. In the meanwhile, I am just going to take this all in, revel in it, soak up the sunshine, listen to the twitterings of all the birds as they ready their nests, watch my tulips poking through, and shoot photos of anything that looks better in its new state than it did during icky winter...which was not bad at all this year.
By the way, my grandkids are loving this most of all. I am too because I get great shots of them!
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