I hadn't realized it has been over two months since my last post. Time flies when your life takes a 360 degree turn, I guess. I can easily say my days often belong to others instead of myself. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Change is very hard, especially when I had become set in the ways of my retired life. That quiet often sedentary life was kind of nice in retrospect. I had so much more time to do nothing, and now I long for those moments. I miss being able to sit with my laptop and idle away for hours if I wanted to, no questions asked, no demands for my time or attention. But I also love hearing my grandkids laughing or asking for me. It's a tradeoff for sure, but I like it that way.
Christmas this year was like a Christmas of the past - waking up with the little ones, seeing the sheer joy on their faces when they saw Santa's bounty. I loved seeing our family room in "ruins"- wrapping paper strewn from one end to the other. I loved watching Brennan playing in a box instead of with the many toys he received. Isn't that always the case? You spend oodles of money on toys and the kids prefer the boxes, paper, and bows.
The New Year is now upon me and I am feeling a bit contemplative. So many things run through my mind about what I hope to achieve in the next year. 2010 has been a challenging year for me, one I hope isn't replicated. I hope to write more - on the next children's book I have in my head. I hope to make time to read more. I now have a "studio" to escape to...now if I can figure out how to get there without anyone noticing that I've disappeared.
I wish all who read this post a happy, healthy, peace-filled New Year. I am approaching 2011 with some trepidation. I've earned that right.
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