Just one year ago I retired from teaching after 28 years. It has been blissful, fun, and relaxing. That was then and this is now...
Two days ago my daughter and her family (husband, three kids and their Westie) moved in with us for good. What once seemed like a roomy 3-bedroom ranch nows feels a bit like an upscale sardine can with a large great room. Life does that sometimes. Their move in has forced me to be proactive in purging unneeded and unnecessary "stuff". Coincidentally our neighborhood is having a garage sale this upcoming weekend! SCORE! I am now hoping my "trash" becomes a whole lot of people's "treasure"!
Back to our current reality...the deafening (and peace filled) silence is now filled with little voices. Sometimes those voices are music to my ears and sometimes I would rather run my fingernails down my old chalkboard. The kids have adjusted well to their new digs. We decorated their room with an undersea theme. It is adorable. Bunk beds have made the room large enough to play in. Right now Landon and Annie are sharing the room and co-habitating nicely. Brennan is sleeping with his mommy and daddy. Needless to say finishing the basement has now become a reality. So, the purging has become a much-needed event in the Cybul home.
Anyone who wants to come "shopping" at our garage sale, it will be Friday and Saturday, June 4 & 5.
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