My sister in law Sue inspired me to write this blog with a post on Facebook. So, Sue, here it is...
What a glorious week in terms of weather! I can't believe we had a string of nice days in a row. Being a Midwesterner I cannot help but wait for the proverbial other shoe to drop. As a lifelong Chicagoan/suburbanite, I am "trained" to expect the unexpected with our weather. As I am sitting here writing I see dark rainy looking clouds and I'm OK with it because I expected it! We all know the adage for weather in these parts - if you don't like the weather in Chicago, wait five minutes and it will change. Typically it rains on Good Friday - as a Catholic I always believed (or was told?) it was tears from heaven because Jesus died on the cross. It didn't rain yesterday and it threw me for a loop. But why should it? Expect the unexpected with our weather.
I am a superstitious individual by nature (thanks to my grandmother, who told me soooo many things that encouraged this flaw in me). I try to fight it, but it usually gets the best of me. For example, each time I change out my closet for the impending season, I gulp a little, thinking I have just "jinxed" it. So, beware everyone, because I took out all of my sweaters, corduroy slacks, and sweatshirts...but I didn't yet replace them with my short sleeve tops and capris. Why? Because I just didn't want this beautiful weather to end. But I should know better. It will end. It's April in Chicagoland and that alone does not mean we have Spring weather. I sat through enough frigid soccer and Little League games to know that we are not out of the woods yet.
Yesterday I was at Caribou and the manager and I were talking about how beautiful the weather had been. Yes, it was warm and sunny indeed, but it was also super windy! So many times our beautiful weather has a caveat - humidity, or WIND, as was the case the last few days. We just can't seem to have enough of those "perfect" days that we so deserve - just as compensation for living here! There always seems to be a catch. I think this is why we Chicagoans/suburbanites get so excited when we do have a "perfect" day! It is like winning the lottery - the odds are so not in our favor.
Happy Easter everyone. I hope we have a "perfect" day for egg hunts and baskets. My grandchildren deserve it!
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