As I age it seems that New Years Eve becomes less of a big date night and more of a stay-at-home night with friends and/or family. This year we had my mom and Artie's sister and her husband over for dinner. Artie grilled steaks out in the crazy cold and we had all the fixins'. It was a great meal and a nice, calm, low-key evening. Just what we wanted. I recall with much displeasure New Years Eves of the past, none of which I regret doing anything stupid during the course of the evening. I do recall a certain husband having way toooo much to drink one year, on a BITTER cold Dec. 31st a long time ago. He was not exactly a "nice drunk" that particular night. In fact, he was downright ornery! He wasn't driving thankfully, and fell sound asleep in the back seat of the car. When we arrived at our destination - Jo Jo's Restaurant in Bloomingdale (this after having spent buckets of money at some swanky place for a New Years Eve gala event that didn't serve enough food for ANY of the men, hence the trip to Jo Jo's) this husband refused to rouse and was a bit "cranky". So, I did what any sweet loving wife would do on a bitter cold New Years Eve - I left him in the car! There were two cars full of us who sauntered into the restaurant while the husband slept it off in the car. Naturally I worried about him freezing to death, but apparently not enough to go check on him, which I didn't do. When this group of friends gathers now we still laugh about that evening, but for some reason, my laughter is the shortest and quietest.
I used to love shopping for a special New Years Eve outfit and going somewhere to celebrate - dancing, drinking, eating, laughing, and wearing horrible high heel shoes. I love the place I am at right now - wearing sweatshirts, pajama pants, and slippers, hanging out with people who don't care how I am dressed and who don't need to get drunk to have fun. I remember one year - the year I knew I was done with fancy New Years celebrations. I looked around at people making such fools of themselves and that was when I knew I had become a full-fledged adult. Don't get me wrong. I still like to have a few cocktails and have fun like most people do. I just don't need to buy a new outfit, pay ridiculous prices for horrible food, and wear shoes that I regret for days after the celebrations are long gone. Now I am content to toast with friends and give my husband a special Happy New Year kiss.
Happy 2010 everyone. Let's make it a good one.
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