I love looking at Christmas through the eyes of children. There is no greater magic.
There was a period of time before our first grandchild was born that Christmas had lost some of its luster and joy. Our kids were grown and Santa hadn't been to our house for years. Our kids had long stopped believing in him. Christmas was...well, BORING! Then our first grandchild was born and all that changed. Christmas became fun again! With the subsequent births of two more grandchildren, it became even better than we could ever have imagined. We were once again able to see Christmas through the eyes of children... MAGICAL.
Last night Artie and I were part and parcel to the joy of the holiday through the eyes of several children. Artie played Santa Claus for Lindsay and John's annual Christmas party for their children, and the children of their friends. Rewind to the hour leading up to this special event. Artie began the search for the Santa suit and it was game on. We were a bit worried that the suit might not fit this year, as Artie had packed on a few extra pounds, but thankfully, it fit! After some adjustments it was time to chauffeur "Santa" to the party. While on the way we decided it would be fun to give each child a candy cane, so that meant a stop at a local Walgreens. I left "Santa" in the car and ran in. I tried to park in a discreet spot so no one would notice "Santa" sitting in the car, and chose a spot where no other cars were...however, when I came back there was a car parked right next to mine. I guiltily admit that I chuckled at the thought of that person getting out of his/her car and seeing Santa Claus in the car.
We were both worried that Landon and Aniella might recognize their grandpa under that Santa suit this year, so I made Artie do a dry run of the voice he would use. It sounded different enough not to spoil the moment. Our plan each year is for me to enter through the garage as a signal to Lindsay to gather the kids into the living room to await Santa's entrance. "Santa" in the meantime is waiting outside until an opened front door signals it is time for him to make his grand entrance. The children's eyes were glued to the door and then it happened. The doorbell rang and Santa made his way into the house, "Ho Ho Ho-ing" in his "new" voice. The children's eyes were wide as saucers and their smiles provided more light to the room. Of course I am busy shooting photos of this, honing in on Landon and Annie's reaction...and praying the ruse will work for yet another year. It did! They had NO clue that the man in red was their beloved grandpa. There was a collective sigh of relief from me, Lindsay, and John as the two each took their turn sitting on Santa's lap (for a photo, of course) and telling him what they wanted him to bring for them.
M A G I C A L !
In between taking photos I listened hard for what the kids were saying to Santa. My favorite was, "And Santa, there is one thing at the top of my list..." The little boy was so serious and my heart was melting away. Landon was a bit hesitant at first, but then sat down on Santa's lap and, smiling, began to give his list. Aniella smiled sweetly as she babbled on about wanting the Strawberry Shortcake house. Brennan simply wanted to rip Santa's beard off. Another baby took one look at Santa and began to wail. Priceless. To add to the joy of the party, the parents bring one gift for their child and it is placed into a sack for distribution by Santa. After all the gifts had been passed out it was time for Santa to make his exit. He departed through the front door while I rushed to the open the garage, in which he began to take off his Santa suit for another year. I said my goodbyes and then I left through the garage as well.
My husband is a soft-spoken and somewhat shy guy, but when he puts on that Santa suit he becomes...Santa. Again, magical.
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