We live in a really small world. Friends make it even smaller, no matter where they are, how often you see them, how much time has passed, etc. This week is Spring Break for my District 54 friends. I have had the pleasure of having lunch with two of them on two separate days. It was great to reconnect with them both. Recently I have reconnected with two old college buddies - one at lunch and the other via a phone call and letter from Thailand. My friend Phada Sittivanit was an exchange student at NIU back when I was a sophomore, and through the alum association on Facebook I was able to track her down. NIU sent Phada a letter on my behalf and she called me! All the way from Thailand! She was excited to use her English again, she told me proudly. It didn't seem at all that nearly 35 years had passed since we last spoke to one another. She sent me some photos and only then was I able to come to the realization that, yes, it's been a long time. Phada is in her 60s now, and didn't look quite the same as she did back in 1972...I guess she will think the same when I send HER a photo of me! Her sweet little voice belies the mature woman she is today.
Through another of my cherished friendships with my dearest friend Judy Winer, with whom I began my teaching career at Nathan Hale School back in 1974, I "met" a published author who used to do author visits in Judy's school district in Lincolnwood. Judy was a long time principal and retired a couple years ago. Judy remembered this author and thought she might be of some assistance to me. She gave me her contact information and Charlotte Herman and I have been emailing one another almost daily. She has been an incredible resource for me as I attempt to have my first children's book published. Today she sent me the name of an editor at one of the publishing houses I sent my manuscript to. Charlotte wants to actually meet me when she returns from New York. I don't know her, but I already consider her a friend. She has been so generous and kind to me, and she doesn't even know me from Adam.
I am so lucky in my life. My friend Matt would say I live a "charmed life" and you know what, he is right!